Neurodiversity Buzzword Bingo

Are you joining any Neurodiversity Celebration Week events this coming week? Please join in with this fun game of neurodiversity buzzword bingo. What else could I have included?

Note: Yes, this is tongue-in-cheek, and no, I am not making fun of anyone (except myself, as I often paraphrase tried and tested analogies)

Neurodiversity Bingo 
Purple background with pastel rainbow coloured border 
Cream text: Neurodiversity Bingo 
Pastel rainbow infinity symbol 
Cream text: Complete your bingo card by attending various Neurodiversity Celebration Week events and ticking off all these commonly used phrases:
5 by 5 grid of 24 cream squares and 1 pink heart, with black text:
Neuro- spicy (not mild). Different operating system. Dopamine dressing. Zebra 
(not a broken horse). Super power! Be your authentic self. Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Lean into your strengths. Neuro-kin or tribe. Richard Branson. Ferrari brain, bicycle brakes. Hyper-empathy. Love over acceptance. Untapped talent or potential. Smash those stereotypes. Levelling the playing field. Acceptance not just awareness. Monotropic flow or hyperfocus. Decision paralysis or task inertia. Double empathy problem. Spiky profile. Drop the mask or unmask. What is normal anyway. Not just survive, but thrive. Different not less. 
Cream text: @AusomeCharlie

Published by Ausome Charlie

Professional Neurodivergent Speaker, Queer AuDHDer

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